Meeet Digital Culture Center


The second stage of MentoraSTEAM project involved the implementation of a free training programme specifically designed for the target group of the project: migrant and/or second-generation women living and working in Europe who had completed their STEAM education.

The training programme was delivered by MEET in three intensive two-day face-to-face sessions. The first session took place on 28 and 29 September 2022, the second on 26 and 27 January 2023 and the third on 6 and 7 March. 

The learning programme, influenced by the Policy Guide developed in the previous stages of the project, encouraged the women to take the necessary steps to achieve success by listening to their ambitions and desires and enhancing their skills

During these workshop days, twenty women from various parts of the world met. The workshop participants were encouraged to actively participate in the process by interacting with each other in presence

The discussion during the sessions was active and the workshops were an opportunity to share and work together not only for the participants, but also for the facilitators.

The workshops covered four modules divided by topics: building confidence in everyday, personal and working life; personal branding and networking; adapting one’s skills to the work culture and demand in the host country; entrepreneurship and self-employment. 

Participants also worked on writing and refining their CV and creating their LinkedIn profile. Supported by facilitators, they actively searched for job offers and positions that best matched their profiles and expectations. During these meetings, fruitful intercultural exchanges were created by both the protagonists and the collaborators, with moments of sharing stories and life experiences.

At the end of the workshop days, participants were invited to join a WhatsApp group to continue networking and exchanging ideas.